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Influencing the Occult Market

It was recent that I finally got a chance to list the new items from our friends at Alchemy Gothic. The new stuff is impressive and one in particular caught our attention, The Seal of Lucifer Pendant.

This may not seem so remarkable to you now but there was a time when occult jewelry was simply not a norm. It was rare and hard to find. Witchcraft or the occult for that matter, is nothing new but having items to buy that are ready for use were hard to come by. For decades, these items, were produced by artisan creators of all things occult. It was unheard of to see symbols that were meaningful to the occultist as a product that was mass produced. When it came to jewelry, however, it is safe to say that Alchemy Gothic was perhaps one of the best and widely recognized brands that sorta touched the surface on this concept very early on. I will safely assume that they were probably the leading brand for a couple decades that had items that interested us.

They were known for their "Goth" products and particularly touched upon the occult slightly with their pentagram jewelry and products that had a pentagram on them. Growing up in the 80's and 90's this brand was simply incredible at the time. Now fast forward to the 2000's and 2010's and we begin to see more items produced that are not all by Alchemy Gothic but by some other unknown sources. Small mom and pop shop retailers that are referred to as "Goth Shops" and the likes were stocking these pendants that resembled occultism that typically were corded necklaces and cheap metal jewelry. Things were changing and the space was getting bigger and yet, symbolism in jewelry was still not big in the marketplace. Satanic symbols especially, ws never considered and therefore absent in shops everywhere.

Fast forward to 2013, I had started seeing just SOME. Just a small effort made on more occult jewelry in the marketplace. The market in its entirety was growing. More and more goth and occult products were hitting the market but still the markets were relatively small back then. The time was ripe for launching what I personally wanted to see more of that was simply non-existent back then, Satanic Jewelry.

I launched on March 11th, 2013 and things began to gain traction by mid-summer. By October 2013, a self created website with a theme based on all things BAPHOMET or the SIGIL OF BAPHOMET was scheduled to launch and so the official facebook page was soon to follow that month. Sigil of Baphomet Satanic Jewelry was born. By that time, everyone knew who Alchemy Gothic was and Sigil Occult Jewelry (formerly known as Sigil Of Baphomet Satanic Jewelry, at that time) was a fresh new company that specifically catered to the needs and wants of those who followed the Left Hand Path religions. We had alot of work to do to get recognized by the masses that were only used to one major label. Make no mistake, we literally had set out to be as big as Alchemy Gothic when I first launched the site. However, I was not in the "Goth" space as much as they were, assuming that was their business model, I was in the business of doing the Devil's work and I wanted to dominate that space.

Along the way, I kept things very simple for a long time. I wanted to be known for one thing, creating the best quality and crafted Sigils of Baphomet. I was a Satanist and Satanism had been longing for something like this for decades. It is without a doubt in my mind, had Anton LaVey been alive today, he would be proud of my accomplishments. I would have loved to have a chance to create more for his organization, far more than what I am limited to do without requiring approval. However, it was the least I could do and I will continue to bring this product for those who find Satanism.

As time progressed, I felt the need to expand into a wider market. People loved what I was doing and they wanted to see more. I knew that getting out of the boundaries I set myself in when I began was the only way. I needed to step out into a wider market that brought a new type of quality and a new concept to fashion, specifically, when it came to jewelry. There are other categories that could use something fresh and new that is lacking. My brand of jewelry and what we are known for was critical to turn this new market space on its head. We could no longer just be all about Baphomet or relative to Satanism and Paganism. We went into wider spectrum of fashion starting with goth and beyond!

The new direction meant that changes had to be made. You are what you call yourself, at least in the business world, that can be the case sometimes. The name carries meaning. Our original name carried us for nearly the first 10 years but now it was time to pivot into a bigger, brighter direction and we needed to make that name change reflect the direction we were heading to. Thus, we re-branded ito Sigil Occult Jewelry. I anticipate that this will carry us for years to come and perhaps our name will change again, or not. Only time will let us know and so will YOU, the people who have supported us.

What many have done for Alchemy Gothic, we hope that you will do for us and continue to show your love and support for the work involved in putting these amazing products on the market. Unlike bigger labels like Alchemy Gothic and many others out there, this site was founded by 1 person. A Satanist whom has always felt the discriminating acts of those who do not understand our worldview as a Satanist and how we got treated in just trying to bring about a brand to the world. We faced many challenges and continue to do so. We are not backed by large banks, investors, and certainly my bank account was never large to begin with. The simple fact is, I was homeless when this venture began. We share many passions just like you and we understood the frustration of never finding something that you would wear proudly. That was the case many years ago before we launched Sigil Occult Jewelry. Alchemy Gothic was an inspiration as it was a motivation. We do not know their story in detail. We do not know their full history but we can only share OURS and our rise to where we are today. I can only tell you that what I once thought would be a competitor in the space I am in now since we re-branded, is actually a nice addition to our site. We are glad to offer more variety in this space that continues to grow with creative products.

We know that over the years since 2013, we have been purchased by many celebrities, rockstars, and even been show in television shows. Well, we were not featured by name but certainly our products were worn by the characters or they were part of someone's wardrobe. Our products have been in the hands of Marilyn Manson, Cradle of Filth (lead singer), Sabrina the Teenage Witch (Netflix show), Limp Bizkit (Wes Borland), Ghost (Band), Behemoth (Nergal), Brimstone (iHeart Radio Personality, Actor) and many more that I cannot recall as I type this. The simple fact is that our brand of jewelry has gone quite far and wide with people. They are not the only ones taking notice of what we offer, ALCHEMY GOTHIC may have been influenced by us too. Just recently, for the first time ever, introduced their own Seal of Lucifer Pendant design and we also carry it on our site!

We have seen, for years now, our influence is rubbing off on other brands too. We have been sending a loud message to the world over the years. Satanic symbolism is becoming normalized. Satanism had been in the shadows for decades and we have finally broken through from the underground. There is no RISE in Satanism. It's been around for a long time. The fact that people wearing them and others are noticing and asking what it is or what it means. It has brought the topic of Satanism to the dinner table, to sorta speak.

Even KillStar, the fashion label, once a GOTH fashion label had steered towards the darker imagery. Whether they like to acknowledge it or not, WE CERTAINLY know who was here first and who set the trend to normalizing what was once considered taboo, it was yours truly, Sigil Occult Jewelry.

I know what you are gonna say. You don't sell fashion or clothes. You're right, we are not a fashion label, at least not yet anyway. We are not designers of fashion but I am definitely going to take credit for what I have said many years ago and yes, feel free to read old blog content when I say that you will begin to see Satanic symbols as part of everyday life. Its our little contribution to changing the world. Its not like I set out to change the world, not at all. It was not planned that way, but it happened.

I knew that my brand of jewelry was something different that only a few before me had set out to do before but failed along the way. They faded away without a trace of having left their mark on the world.

Along came this idea that it needed to be known that another Satanist is producing a product that was fitting for us to wear. A piece of great quality and substance that was not something created by hand but by engineering skills and machinery. A caliber of great quality. I needed to advertise what I was bringing to the marketplace.

In turn, I delivered this message to the world and the world has been responding since.

As a Satanist, I know I will not get acknowledged by anyone but make no mistake, we have the records to prove who have gotten our brand in their possession before, who has used them as part of their works, or inspiration for their works, and we know we have certainly been copied by many since. This is to say, we have literally shaken the world and influenced many in the wake. Just another sample that is self evident.

I was thrilled to have seen this piece by Alchemy Gothic. I think it was evidence yet again that we are putting our mark everywhere, one way or another. It cannot be ignored anymore. More and more will be introducing items like this along the way. The fear is lost in them; finally. The constant barrage of pictures, ads, and videos we have shared, posted, and been cycled through the internet over the years has done its work and normalized the fact that Satanists are above ground and here to stay. Symbolism is what we sell.

There is no doubt that Anton LaVey would have been proud.

Hail Satan!

~ Xerxes

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